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Sam W. Marshall Respiratory Care Scholarship

Sam Marshall Scholarship available on BOSS (Bobcat Online Scholarship System)

Applications will open February 1st and close February 28th. 

Sam W. Marshall was a believer in education. Receiving his BS degree in Electrical Engineering from Louisiana Polytechnical Institute in 1956, he began working for Alcoa Aluminum Company in Rockdale, Texas. Serving at various Alcoa operations sites in Texas, Indiana and Washington, he assisted those with educational needs by tutoring engineering students and co-op students, working with adult learners completing their GED, and was instrumental in helping to establish the Washington State University branch campus in Vancouver, Washington. This branch of WSU focused on a master’s degree in Engineering Management and to demonstrate his commitment to higher education, he accepted the encouragement and challenge by the university committee to enroll in the master’s program himself. At the age of 62, he received his Master of Science in Engineering Management degree from WSU.

At the age of 73 following a brief illness, he died of pancreatic cancer. He is survived by his son, Dr. Gregg Marshall, Chair and Professor at Texas State, and his daughter, Melissa M. Smith, a former art department chair at a fine arts high school in Hartford, Connecticut now residing in Santa Fe, NM.

Sam W. Marshall Respiratory Care Scholarship Requirements:

  • 1st year/Junior or 2nd year/Seniors* in the RC Program
  • Overall GPA of 3.25
  • RC GPA of 3.25
  • Completed at least 18 hours at Texas State
  • Financial need based
  • Amount Available: $500 scholarship for summer tuition for juniors. *Senior awards will cover the costs of NBRC Board Exams.


 The Respiratory Care Foundation of Texas

The Respiratory Care Foundation of Texas (RCFT) is proud to announce that educational grants are available for respiratory care students in Texas. The criteria for the Academic grants are as follows:

Educational Grants Criteria
1. A GPA of 3.0 or higher
2. An official transcript verifying GPA and current enrollment
3. A letter of recommendation from the Program Director
4. Submission of an original paper on some aspect of respiratory care
5. Membership in either the AARC

The deadline for submitting applications for grants is April 15. The grants will be awarded at the Texas Society for Respiratory Care Annual Meeting. Visit the RCFT Facebook page or the RCFT website for additional information.  


American College of Respiratory Therapy Education (ACRTE)

ACRTE, formerly known as CoBGRTE, is a nationally-based organization that supports the advancement of Respiratory Therapy education at the bachelor's and graduate degree level. Students are encouraged to apply for scholarships annually.

Scholarship page:


American Association for Respiratory Care - ARCF

American Respiratory Care Foundation:


The Lambda Beta Society - Awards

 Gerald K. Dolan Memorial Scholarship

Gerald Dolan was a dedicated respiratory care educator, mentor, and leader in our profession. In his memory, a new scholarship was recently presented to a student enrolled in a baccalaureate or masters level program in respiratory care. Once again, this scholarship will be given to a worthy student.

AMP Scholarship, Lambda Beta Scholarship, Thomas and Kim Hill Scholarship

These awards are open to students enrolled in an approved, entry-level or an approved, advanced-level respiratory care program based at a community college, technical college, college, or university.

Deshpande-Pilbeam Media Award

In its third year, this award is presented in the merits of an original, independent media presentation relevant to respiratory care and must comply with the application requirements and deadline.

For applications and deadlines see the link below and look under WHAT'S NEW Scholarships/Awards Program.