RRT-to-BSRC Degree Advancement
RRTs transferring from other regionally accredited associate degree programs are welcomed to apply to Texas State and the Department of Respiratory Care for the RRT-to-BSRC Degree Advancement or Advanced Standing Program for RRTs. Although the number of general education core courses required for BSRC completion will vary with each individual's previous educational experience and course completed, students with the RRT credential will be awarded "block credit" for ASRT major courses at the RRT level. The remaining RC major course requirements for BSRC completion will include 8 junior/senior-level RC courses. Individual academic advising with the RC Department chair will be required for each transfer student to project an individualized degree completion plan. The required RC courses are only taught in the semesters indicated. All general education core courses may be taken in any sequence and during any given semester.
RC courses only offered in semesters shown due to lock-stepped, sequenced program.
All RC courses taught online.
SUMMER—8 hours (10-week Schedule)
□ RC 4221—Leadership & Management for RC Professionals (WI)
□ RC 4333—Neonatal Critical Care
□ RC 4334—Adult Critical Care (WI)
FALL—12 hours (8-week Schedule)
□ RC 4314—Advanced Ventilator Concepts
□ RC 4317—Pulmonary Rehabilitation
□ RC 4309—Pulmonary Diagnostics
□ RC 3332—Hemodynamic Diagnostics
SPRING—12 hours (8-week Schedule)
□ RC 4211—Respiratory Care Research
□ RC 4311—Interdisciplinary Healthcare (WI)
□ RC 4224—Respiratory Seminar
□ RC 4216—Disease Management
□ RC 4324—Sleep Medicine and Polysomnography