Willow Hall
Emergency Preparedness - Willow Hall
The College of Health Professions is committed to protecting the welfare of its students, faculty, staff and visitors. The resources and procedures below are in place to foster a safe campus environment for all of us.
Regardless of the type of emergency in progress, you may call 911 and/or sound the fire alarm immediately. Remain calm, notify others, and respond to the emergency as appropriate. Do not attempt to handle any emergency situation in which you do not have training (e.g., fire fighting, first aid, spill response, etc.).
Call 911 and/or pull the fire alarm whenever a situation poses immediate danger to people, property, or process.
When you call to report an emergency, provide the operator with the following information:
- Building or area name
- Location
- Brief description of the emergency
- Your name
- A return contact phone number
Emergency Call Boxes
There are blue-lit emergency call boxes located on the Round Rock campus in each parking lot. The closest box to Willow Hall is in the parking lot to the east of the building (pictured right).
By pressing the red button on any of these call boxes, you’ll be connected directly to UPD dispatch in San Marcos. San Marcos UPD will then radio Round Rock UPD, who will be dispatched to the call box that was activated.
Weather Emergencies
Texas State monitors the current local weather conditions in order to warn the university community if the campus environment becomes unsafe.
Closures or cancellations due to severe weather will be announced via several methods, including:
- Safety and Emergency Communications page
- The university homepage
- Email from the University News Service or the University Police Department to all students, faculty and staff
- Messages recorded on the university news hotline at 512.245.2424
- Voicemail messages sent to all campus telephones
- Local media announcements
- Texas State weather emergency siren system
Texas State Weather Warning System:
Texas State University uses a lightning prediction warning system. The system uses a horn array and strobe-light warning mechanism to alert the campus of approaching weather systems that have the potential to produce dangerous lightning. If this occurs, the horn array will sound two times for 15 seconds and strobes will be activated throughout the alert.
If the Texas State weather warning system is activated, you are advised to seek shelter in the nearest available open building, away from windows, or in a low-lying area until the all-clear alarm has sounded. The all-clear alert will be three five-second sirens.
Safety and Emergency Communications
Weather-related and other emergencies are reported at:
Safety and Emergency Communications
Safety Coordinators |
RJ Karibian, Dean's Office, 6-2898, rj.karibian@txstate.edu |
Brittny Slaughter, CDIS Clinic, 6-2602, bc1324@txstate.edu |
Kari Wahl, PT, 6-2653, dzc18@txstate.edu |
Janessa Chavez, CDIS, 6-2603, janessachavez@txstate.edu |
Nargiz Wolfe, HIM, 6-4466, nargiz.wolfe@txstate.edu |
Lara Seaton, NURS, 6-2902, ls64@txstate.edu |
LaDonna Cannon, RTT, 6-2831, lcannon@txstate.edu |
April Rock, RC, 6-2806, aprilrock@txstate.edu |
Evacuation - Willow Hall
In an evacuation situation, locate the nearest red exit sign and evacuate the building immediately. Do not attempt to gather personal belongings or any other items.
Standard Response Protocol
A standard plan of action helps all community members stay safe during an emergency situation. Texas State University maintains a Standard Response Protocol, containing four types of action, to ensure a safe campus environment. Since 2014, all incoming students, faculty and staff have received information about the Standard Response Protocol.
The four actions of the Standard Response Protocol are:

Sign Up for TXState Alerts
The TXState Alert system, managed by UPD, notifies members of the university community about emergency situations, including hazardous weather.
Sign up to get text alerts and stay informed on your mobile phone:
Important Phone Numbers | |
Police, fire, or medical emergency | 911 |
University Police Department (nonemergency) | 512.245.2805 |
Student Health Center | 512.245.2161 |
Texas State operator from a university phone | 0 |
Texas State operator from an off-campus phone | 512.245.2111 |
University recorded news bulletin | 512.245.2424 |
Physical Plant (emergencies and after hours) | 512.245.2108 |
Counseling Center (mental health crisis — during business hours) | 512.245.2208 |
Counseling Center (mental health crisis — after business hours) | 1.877.466.0660 |
Safety Escort (Bobcat Bobbies) | 512.245.7233 |
Housing Facilities | 512.245.4680 |
Emergency Situations
University Police Department
Active Shooter
Active Shooter
If you witness an armed individual on campus at any time or an individual who is acting in a hostile or belligerent manner, immediately call 911 or the University Police Department at 512.245.2805.
Active Shooter Situation Definition:
An active shooter is a person who appears to be actively engaging in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area; in most cases, there is no apparent pattern or method to their selection of victims. These situations are dynamic and evolve rapidly, with immediate deployment of law enforcement to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to innocent victims.
If an active shooter is outside your building:
- Go to a room that can be locked. Lock the doors and windows, and turn off the lights.
- Get everyone to lie on the floor out of the line of fire.
- Call 911 and inform the operator of the situation. Give your name, location and any other details that can be provided about the shooter(s), if possible.
- Stay at your location until the police or a known university official gives the all clear.
If an active shooter is in your building:
- Determine if the room you are in can be locked. If so, follow instructions above.
- If your room can't be locked, move to a room that can or exit the building only if it is safe to do so.
If an active shooter enters your office or classroom:
- If possible, call 911 and alert the police to the shooter's location; if you can't speak, leave the line open so that the dispatcher can listen and try to pinpoint your location.
- If you can't escape, attempting to overpower the shooter(s) by force is a last resort.
- If the shooter(s) leaves the area, proceed immediately to a safer place, if possible. Do not touch anything that was in the vicinity of the shooter(s).
- If you decide to flee, make sure that you have an escape route or plan in mind. Do not carry anything. Move quickly and quietly, keep your hands visible and follow any instructions given by police officers.
- Do not attempt to remove injured people; tell the authorities of their location as soon as possible.
- Do not leave campus until advised to do so from the police.
What to expect from responding police:
- They will respond to the last area where shots were heard in order to stop the shooting as quickly as possible.
- They will normally be in teams of four and armed with rifles, shotguns, and/or handguns, as well as possibly using tear gas or pepper spray to regain control.
- Try to remain calm and do not be afraid; follow all instructions.
- Put down any bags, packages or other objects and keep your hands visible at all times.
- If you know where the shooter is, inform the officer of their location.
- The first officers to arrive will not respond to or aid those who are injured. Rescue teams and emergency personnel will do so as soon as possible.
- The area will still be a crime scene; police usually will not let anyone leave until the area is secure and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Stay where you are told until the police dismiss you.
Disruptive Individual
Disruptive Individual
If you witness an armed individual on campus at any time or an individual who is acting in a hostile or belligerent manner, immediately call 911 or the University Police Department at 512.245.2805.
Disruptive Individual Definition:
- An individual who makes threats of physical harm to you, others, or themselves.
- An individual who has a weapon.
- An individual who behaves in a bizarre manner or exhibits unstable behavior.
- An individual who is intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance.
If confronted by the individual:
- Contact the University Police Department (UPD) at 512.245.2805 or call 911.
- Give your name and location with a brief explanation of the situation to the operator.
- Take note of the individual’s age, personal appearance, vehicle, and any other information that would help identify them.
Actions to take:
- Stay calm.
- Sit or stand up straight. Do not slouch.
- Smile and make eye contact.
- Speak clearly and distinctly in a confident, normal tone.
Do not touch your face. (This may be seen as a sign of aggression.) - Do not touch the individual, sigh or glare at them, or invade their personal space.
- Use their name, if known, and ask them to sit down.
- Paraphrase what they say so that they know you are listening.
- Offer assistance and explain how you can help, using “we” to include them in the solution process.
- If possible, advise others of the potential problem.
Hostage Situation
Hostage Situation
If you see/hear/witness a hostage situation taking place:
- Get away from immediate danger.
- Call 911 or notify the UPD at 512.245.2805.
- Provide as much information as possible, for example: location of incident; number of hostage takers and hostages; physical description and names of the hostage takers (if known); any weapons the hostage takers may have; and your name, location and phone number.
If you are taken hostage:
- Remain calm, be polite and cooperate.
- Avoid heroics and acting foolishly.
- Do not try to be a negotiator.
- Do not attempt to escape unless there is an extremely good chance for survival. It is better to be submissive and obey your captor(s).
- Speak normally. Do not complain or become belligerent. Comply with all orders and instructions.
- Do not draw attention to yourself with sudden body movements, comments or hostile looks.
- Carefully observe the captor(s) and try to memorize their physical traits, voice patterns, clothing, and other details that can help provide a description later.
- Avoid getting into political or ideological discussions with your captor(s).
- Try to establish a positive relationship with your captor(s) and get to know them. Captors are generally less likely to harm you if they have a personal connection or respect for you.
- If you are forced to present any type of demands to the authorities, either on tape or in writing, state clearly that the demands are from the captor(s). Avoid making any pleas on your own behalf.
- Try to stay low to the ground or behind cover from windows or doors, if possible.
In a rescue situation:
- Do not run. Drop to the floor and remain still. If that is not possible, keep your hands out and visible, bow your head, and stand still. Make no sudden movements that a tense rescuer may interpret as hostile or threatening.
- Wait for instructions and obey any instructions that you are given.
- Do not be upset, resist or argue if a rescuer isn’t sure whether you are a hostage or a hostage taker.
- Even if you are handcuffed and searched, do not resist. Wait for the confusion to clear.
- You will be taken to a safe area where proper identification and status will be determined.
What to do:
- Activate the nearest fire alarm.
- Call 911.
- Notify occupants and help those in the immediate area who may need assistance.
- If the fire is small and you have the training, use a proper fire extinguisher to combat the fire.
- Do not endanger yourself or others by trying to extinguish a large, well-developed fire.
- Evacuate the building by the nearest exit.
- Confine the fire by closing, but not locking, as many doors as possible behind you as you exit.
- Do not re-enter the building until permitted to do so by emergency personnel.
- If you are above the ground floor and fire or smoke has restricted the exit routes: remain in the room; place something at the base of the door to prevent the entrance of smoke; call 911 and let them know your location.
Building evacuation procedure:
- Evacuation is mandatory when a fire alarm has been activated.
- Do not use elevators.
- Take personal belongings, such as keys, wallets and purses.
- Close doors as you exit.
- Move people to a safe area away from the building.
If you are notified of imminent or actual flooding and it is safe to do so:
- Wait for instructions from the University Police Department.
- Secure vital equipment, records and hazardous materials.
- Shut off nonessential electrical equipment.
- Move to a safe area.
- Do not return to the building until instructed to do so by the University Police Department.
- Never drive a vehicle through a low water crossing.
- Call Facilities for assistance with flood clean-up.
- If you need emergency shelter, contact the University Police Department for information.
Follow the “shelter” actions of the Standard Response Procedure:
- Move to interior of structure.
- Stay away from windows.
- Shelter in smaller rooms if able.
- Sit or kneel next to walls.
- Do not leave shelter unless instructed to do so.
Police Emergencies
Police Emergencies
- Call 911
If you see a crime in progress:
- Do not attempt to apprehend or interfere with a criminal, except in self-defense.
- Move to safety and consider a lockout: bring everyone indoors, lock the perimeter, account for occupants, increase awareness of your surroundings, continue business as usual.
Medical Emergencies
Medical Emergencies
- If the injury or illness is severe or life-threatening, call 911.
- Avoid leaving the injured or ill person, except to get help.
- Follow instructions from the 911 dispatcher.
- Do not move the person unless in danger.
- Give first aid or CPR if trained.
- If you are exposed to another person’s bodily fluids, inform the medical personnel or police when they arrive.
Bomb Threat
Bomb Threat
If you receive a bomb threat:
- Remain calm.
- Get as much information as possible from the caller (if by phone); pretend to have difficulty hearing.
- Where is the bomb?
- When is it set to go off?
- What type of bomb is it?
- Hold the line open. Do not hang up.
- Use another line to call 911 and the University Police Department at 512.245.2805.
- Follow instructions from emergency personnel.
- If the threat is for your location, follow the “evacuate” actions of the Standard Response Protocol:
- Follow the instructions provided by authorities.
- Notify others to evacuate.
- Take only your phone and essential items.
- Help those needing assistance.
- Notify police of missing or injured.
Gas Leaks
Gas Leaks
If you detect natural gas, fumes or vapors:
- Cease all operations.
- Do not pull fire alarms.
- Do not touch light switches or electrical equipment.
- Call the University Police Department at 512.245.2805 or 911.
- Clear the area immediately if instructed to do so by the emergency dispatcher.
- Provide your location and the location of the odor to the dispatcher.
- Provide as many additional details as possible to the dispatcher.
- Evacuate:
- Follow the instructions provided by authorities.
- Notify others to evacuate.
- Take only your phone and essential items.
- Help those needing assistance.
- Notify police of missing or injured.
Hazardous Spills
Hazardous Spills
- If the incident is indoors, close all doors in order to isolate the area if it is safe to do so.
- From a safe area, call the University Police Department at 512.245.2085 or 911. If possible, be prepared to provide the following information:
- Name of the material
- Quantity of the material
- Time of the incident
- Location of the incident
- If anyone has been injured or exposed to the material
- If a fire or explosive is involved
- Your name, phone number and location
- Follow instructions offered by the emergency responders.
- Evacuate the area if necessary:
- Follow the instructions provided by authorities.
- Notify others to evacuate.
- Take only your phone and essential items.
- Help those needing assistance.
- Notify police of missing or injured.