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Performance Evaluation & Merit

CLS_PPS 04.02.10
Effective Date: 5/1/2022
Review Date: 4/5/2022
Next Review Date: 4/2/2027 (E5Y)
Sr. Reviewer:  CLS Chair


01.  POLICY Statement. The Clinical Laboratory Science (CLS) Program is committed to providing fair evaluations on individual performance, and we will tie annual evaluation to merit awards.

01.01   See AA/PPS 04.02.01 (8.01) Development/Evaluation of Tenure-Track Faculty, , AA/PPS 04.02.10 (8.09) Performance Evaluation of Continuing Faculty and Post-Tenure Review, AA/PPS 04.02.11 (8.11) Performance Evaluation of Non-Continuing Faculty and Post-Tenure Review, and CHP 04.02.20 for listing of standards related to annual performance evaluation. This PPS addresses all lines of faculty for CLS Program

01.02   See AA/PPS 04.02.20 and CHP 04.02.20 for listing of standards for Tenure and Promotion Review.

01.03   See AA/PPS 04.01.50 (7.10) and CHP 04.01.50 Procedures for Awarding Merit and Performance Raises to Texas State Faculty Members.

01.04   This policy and procedures statement intends to outline fair and unbiased evaluation of the performance of all faculty based on expectations of the university and of our CLS Program policies in the areas of teaching, service, scholarly activity, and collegiality.


02.01   No unique definitions exist for CLS outside what is already defined by the University and College of Health Professions.

02.02   Outside of responsibilities incident to employment at Texas State University, CLS Program fully supports professional development activities, professional and community service obligations, and external employment that do not present a conflict of interest or conflict of commitment.


03.01   In February of each year, the Personnel Committee will perform a performance evaluation of each faculty member, regardless of type of appointment, for the previous calendar year (January – December). Comments and observations from the performance evaluation may be used in the awarding of merit. Comments from the Annual Evaluation may also be used in the reappointment process for tenure-track faculty.

03.02   CLS faculty should update information in Faculty Qualifications [digital measures] by January 31st (including Texas State Vita, Summary Form for Annual Performance Evaluation, plus supporting documentation.

03.03   Members of the CLS Personnel Committee will independently evaluate documentation provided by each faculty member from the Faculty Qualifications system and combine it with university resources such as End of Course Student Evaluations from Canvas, Members of the Personnel Committee will prepare recommendations to the Program Chair by February 21st.

03.04   By March 1st, the Program Chair is to submit to the Dean the completed CLS Chair Annual Evaluation of Faculty form for each faculty member based on the submitted materials and the CLS Personnel Committee feedback.

03.05   Upon receipt of notification from the Dean that the review has been completed at that level, the Program Chair will meet with each faculty member individually to review the completed evaluation form and any available feedback from the Personnel Committee, Chair, and/or Dean.  Goals for the upcoming year will be discussed.

03.06   Performance evaluation will be based on university expectations based on the faculty appointment and CLS Program expectations based on professional development.

a.    Per course Lecturers, evaluation shall be based on teaching, service OR scholarly activity, and collegiality.

b.    Assistant Professors (and Assistant Professors of Practice) will be evaluated on all four dimensions: Teaching, service, scholarly activity, and collegiality. The level of service for Assistant Professors will be limited and targeted to their level of seniority in the organization.

c.    Associate Professors (and Associate Professors of Practice) will be evaluated on all four dimensions: Teaching, service, scholarly activity, and collegiality. The level of service for Associate Professors will be targeted to their level of seniority in the organization. Tenured faculty will assume greater levels of leadership and service obligations in the organization at all levels.

d.    Full Professors will be evaluated on all four dimensions: Teaching, service, scholarly activity, and collegiality. The level of service for Associate Professors will be targeted to their level of seniority in the organization. These faculty assume the greatest level of leadership and service obligations in the organization at all levels.

03.07   Expectations for performance evaluations are as follows. Faculty who consistently meet or exceed CLS Program expectations are eligible for reappointment and performance raises. Faculty performance below this line may cause the CLS Chair to consider whether reappointment is warranted for all faculty appointments. For faculty failing to meet expectations, see University PPS, paragraphs 07-12. (values shows are relative to merit: high = 3, medium = 2, low = 1, none = 0 – See merit section, below)


                                                                                      Teaching         Service         Scholarship

           Exemplary: Consistently exceeds expectations          3                     3                     3

           Exceeds: Often exceeds expectations                       2                     2                     2

           Meets: Consistently meets expectations                   1                     1                     1

           Does not meet expectations                                     0                     0                     0

03.08.    All per course, part-time, graduate teaching assistants, and adjunct faculty will be evaluated on a semester basis by the CLS Program.

 a.   At the end of each semester, the chair will review the course evaluations for the courses taught by a faculty member during that semester.  A review of course materials to include course syllabi, sample assignments, and exams for the individual courses will also be reviewed by the Program Chair.  Documentation for all per course, part-time, and adjunct faculty may be reviewed together at a regularly scheduled CLS Personnel Committee Meeting.

b.   A summary evaluation report will be mailed or emailed to the faculty member after completion of the reviews.  A face-to-face meeting will be held with the faculty member if review can be scheduled in a timely manner with the faculty member.  If the faculty member returns to teach another semester, review of materials will be done at that time if it has not already been done. 


04.04    Performance Raises

a.   Performance raises are defined as a prescribed number of salary steps awarded to faculty whose performance during the preceding year meets departmental expectations in all applicable areas of evaluation: teaching, service, or research. Performance raises, to the extent possible, track cost-of-living increases.

b.    In evaluating annual performance, the Personnel Committee, the Chair, and the College Dean will consider the faculty member's contributions in the context of Unit, College, and University needs and the faculty member's own past performance and career path. This evaluation will be conducted in accordance with the CLS Program’s approved policy for the performance evaluation of faculty.

c.    Faculty who consistently meet or exceed CLS Program performance expectations as determined by the performance evaluation will be eligible for reappointment and performance raises.

d.    Any faculty member denied a performance raise will be counseled personally by the CLS Chair who will provide specific written suggestions for improvement.

04.02    Merit Raises

a.    Merit raises are defined as additional salary steps to be awarded to faculty whose performance during the preceding annual evaluations since the last merit raise was distributed (i.e., this may include two or more annual evaluations and this time will be called the evaluation period).

b.    In evaluating annual performance, the Personnel Committee, the CLS Chair, and the College Dean will consider the faculty member's contributions in the context of Unit, College, and University needs and the faculty member's own past performance and career path. This evaluation will be conducted in accordance with the CLS Program’s approved policy for the performance evaluation of faculty.

c.    All faculty receiving a performance raise will be eligible for a merit raise. Once a merit pool is established, the CLS Chair will determine a percentage to be divided into the merit pool.

1.    A faculty member who meets or exceeds expectations in teaching, in service, and in research, would be allocated a level of merit [low, medium, and high].

2.    If the department is given a total dollar amount, the merit dollars per faculty member is determined by dividing the total dollar amount for the faculty by the merit pool available and by priority for low, medium and high rating.

a.    The CLS Chair will review with the Personnel Committee the final merit awards prior to distribution individual faculty member awards.

b.    Faculty who are dissatisfied with the Unit’s final merit recommendation may appeal to the College Dean. See the CHP PPS on merit for details.