Minor Change Form

Minor changes do not require an advising appointment.

You may submit this form to request a minor be added, dropped, or changed within your degree plan. Once your degree audit has been updated, an advisor will notify you through your Texas State email. 

Curriculum changes could impact eligibility for financial aid and scholarships, athletics, veteran affairs, and other departments. Students are responsible for consulting with those offices that apply to them to determine how curriculum changes will affect them PRIOR to the completion of this form. Students should also be aware that changes to their major and/or minor could result in additional charges related to the tuition due to the excessive hours policy and/or make them ineligible for a tuition rebate after graduation.


Minor Information

I would like to: *

Please review the Texas State catalog for a list of undergraduate minors offered and their course requirements.

If you are adding a minor, you must list a minor that is listed in the catalog. Requests to add a minor that does not exist cannot be honored.

By clicking "Submit Request" below, you authorize the College of Health Professions Advising Center to add/remove your minor as requested. You also acknowledge you have reviewed the minors offered at Texas State and if you are adding a minor, you are requesting to add an approved minor listed in the catalog.