Reading and Writing Disorders

Reading Program

Our Reading Program is designed to remediate deficits in the areas of:

  • Phonemic Awareness
  • Sight word recognition
  • Fluency
  • Reading rate
  • Reading accuracy
  • Comprehension

Prospective clients receive a comprehensive literacy battery to identify key strengths and weaknesses in order to develop a highly individualized therapeutic program.  One on one and group sessions are available, depending on the age and skill of each individual.

Two student clinicians interacting with a young patient
Bluebonnets in front of Willow Hall building

Writing Program

Our Writing Program is designed to address deficits in the areas of:

  • Written narrative composition
  • Lexical and syntactical development
  • Orthographic expectancies (spelling rules & exceptions)
  • Organization and sequencing of written narratives
  • Punctuation

A comprehensive assessment is conducted prior to admission into the program in order to develop specific and effective goals.