Continuing Education
Continuing Education Needs Assessment and Planning
The Health Information Management Department in the College of Health Professions is undertaking a regional needs assessment and planning process in order to develop and deliver high-quality, economical health information and electronic health record (EHR) related continuing education to Central and South Texas healthcare professionals.
The goal of these continuing education offerings is to assist the regional healthcare industry to efficiently and effectively adopt health information technology (HIT) and electronic health records (EHRs).
The target audience for the offerings ranges from physicians, their office staff and hospital personnel seeking to select and implement EHRs, to information technology staff needing an orientation to healthcare-specific issues and needs, to those needing training and information related to the mandated 5010 and ICD-10 implementations.
The 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) included provisions which provide physician and hospital incentive payments for the meaningful use of EHRs and HIT between 2011 and 2015. Payment penalties will be incurred after that time. It is imperative that all healthcare providers begin their adoption efforts now.
A partial list of current anticipated offerings via workshop, audio seminar, and online includes:
Electronic Health Records: The proposed 9-module course introduces EHRs, addresses the different levels of uses in healthcare including documenting notes, ordering of tests and medications, as well as administrative functions such as coding and privacy and security, hands-on exercises are provided for all activities.
Fundamentals of EHR Implementation: This proposed course would include an introduction to “meaningful use”, certification of health information technology products, workflow redesign, project management, privacy and security, and legal considerations.
Fundamentals of Health Information Exchange: This proposed course would include an introduction to health information exchange, data quality checking techniques, privacy and security principles, as well as technical standards and certification.
Electronic Communications and Social Media for Physicians: This course will provide physicians and their staff with an overview of the various types of electronic communication and social media tools available, their recommended use, security and privacy issues, and legal considerations. Hands-on practice with the various tools and media will be required.
Introduction to 5010, ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS: This course will provide an overview of the January 2009 final rule mandating adoption of 5010 by October 2011 and ICD-10 by 2013. Key steps and milestones for conversion planning will be covered.
You are cordially invited to help Texas State University create these courses to meet your needs. Contact Susan H. Fenton, PhD, RHIA at 512-245-8242 or to participate in the needs assessment.
Course offerings are planned to begin in Fall 2009. Courses are not eligible for college credit, however, approval for nursing and physician continuing education credit is being sought. Click here if you are interested in receiving information when courses are finalized and scheduled: