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Fellowship Opportunities

A post-graduate fellowship in healthcare administration is a structured program designed to provide recent graduates with advanced training and hands-on experience in the management and administration of healthcare organizations. These fellowships typically last one to two years and offer opportunities to work closely with senior executives, engage in high-level decision-making processes, and lead projects that impact organizational strategy and operations. Qualified candidates are generally individuals who have completed a master's degree in healthcare administration, public health, business administration, or a related field. They should possess strong leadership potential, excellent communication skills, and a demonstrated commitment to pursuing a career in healthcare management.

Healthcare administrative fellowships, while offering invaluable experience and professional growth, are not suited for everyone. These programs demand a high level of commitment, intensive focus on administrative and leadership skills, and often involve a highly competitive selection process. Students with career aspirations that may involve an administrative fellowship should contact their SOHA faculty mentor early on in their studies to discuss these learning opportunities.

The How to pursue a Fellowship document has the most up-to-date resources for MHA Administrative Fellowships.

Please visit NAFCAS to enroll in the National Administrative Fellowship Centralized Application Services (NAFCAS), to apply for as many MHA Administrative Fellowships as possible in a coordinated and simplified manner.