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04.01.41-Full and Regular Summer Workload

Full and Regular Summer Workload


SOHA PPS 04.01.41
Effective Date: 5/1/2022
Review Date: 4/2/2022
Next Review Date: 4/2/2027 (E5Y)
Sr. Reviewer: SOHA Director


SOHA is committed to our students and our faculty. In our MHA, two courses are only offered in the summer, and therefore required some faculty to work the summer. In other programs, students fall behind due to personal circumstances or academic sequencing. These students need to take summer courses in order to rejoin their cohort and graduate on time. Therefore, many other courses need to be offered in the summer. This creates opportunity for faculty to augment their 9-month salary with summer teaching income



The regular nine-month faculty contract assumes no summer teaching for any faculty member. Faculty may request summer courses, and the Director makes assignments based on student need, available funding, the number of faculty requesting to teach, and a course’s history of successful enrollment.


The summer schedule will be developed by the Director of Undergraduate Studies, the Director of Graduate Studies, the Administrative Assistant, and School Director based on student demand for the courses during the summer.


The School Director will determine in October which faculty want to teach the following summer and which summer session they would prefer.


The School Director will take the above referenced information and assign faculty to the schedule attempting to give each faculty member 50 percent for the summer (or 25 percent if the faculty member requests 25 percent) with the following exceptions: faculty who are expected to work in both summer sessions based on teaching assignments (i.e., field placements) and faculty who have administrative assignments that extend to both summer sessions (i.e., directors of programs) may be assigned schedules that equate to more than 50 percent for the summer.


In the event that there is insufficient money to fund the summer schedule, the Director will retain courses on the schedule based on the following priorities:

a.  The highest priority will be graduate courses that are taught only once a year.

b.  The second highest priority will be senior-level courses that if not offered, may delay a student's graduation.

c.  The third highest priority will be junior-level courses that if not offered, may delay a student's progression to senior-level courses.


Once the schedule meets the budget constraints referenced above, the Director will assign faculty to the schedule using the following criteria:

a.  The highest priority will be given to tenure-track faculty who are primary for the course up to 50 percent per faculty (75% if demand requires).

b.  The second highest priority will be given to faculty who have taught the course before.

c.  The third highest priority will be given to faculty who are identified as secondary to a course, but who have never taught the course.

d.  When budget dictates, a junior faculty member may be offered to teach a course because they are less expensive to employ, provided they are qualified to teach the course (e.g., terminal degree).


The School Director will notify faculty of their summer schedules and their summer compensation as soon as the School's summer budget is finalized (usually in March). It should be noted that in the event that an assigned course does not make during either summer session, the faculty member's summer compensation may be reduced accordingly.