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04.01.30-Graduate Faculty Evaluation

Graduate Faculty Evaluation

SOHA PPS 04.01.30
Effective Date: 5/1/2022
Review Date: 4/2/2022
Next Review Date: 4/2/2027 (E5Y)
Sr. Reviewer: SOHA Director


SOHA is committed to the development of high-quality faculty, and for producing high-quality graduates from our programs.


The School of Health Administration follows the provisions of AA/PPS No. 04.01.30 (7.03), Nomination and Evaluation Procedure for Graduate Faculty, which are incorporated by reference into this document. The following policies are designed to ensure that graduate faculty membership is based on a careful review of teaching, scholarship/creative activity, and service.

03. Criteria for Graduate Faculty Membership


Faculty teaching graduate courses in the School ordinarily hold a terminal degree in the discipline and must have a proven record of scholarship or creative activity in their field. The School’s graduate director may recommend an exception to this criterion (see AA/PPS No. 04.01.30 (7.03)). Faculty teaching graduate courses with a “regular” status must be evaluated as meeting expectation in annual review by both the personnel committee and the Director.

04. Procedures for Nominating Graduate Faculty—Regular Status and Associate Doctoral Status


The term for regular graduate faculty or associate doctoral status is five years. Faculty appointed to regular status may teach master’s graduate courses, direct master’s theses, and serve on thesis committees. Faculty appointed to associate doctoral status may teach doctoral- level courses and serve on doctoral dissertation committees. Faculty applying for either status must submit a current Texas State Vita to the School’s graduate director, who then prepares a nomination/renomination form. The director, in consultation with the graduate committee, reviews the form, vita, and three most recent annual reviews (or alternative evidence for recently hired faculty) to verify that the faculty member meets the criteria for graduate faculty membership. The director routes the application, via the School Director and college dean, to the graduate dean.

05. Procedures for Nominating Graduate Faculty—Adjunct Status


Faculty who do not hold a terminal degree in the discipline may apply for adjunct status. Adjunct graduate faculty are appointed for one year, and their appointment allows them to teach a particular course (or courses) and/or to serve in a particular role as a thesis director/committee member. To apply for adjunct status, a faculty member must submit a current Texas State Vita to the School’s graduate director, who then prepares a nomination/re-nomination form. The director, in consultation with the graduate committee, reviews the form, vita, and three most recent annual reviews (or alternative evidence for recently hired faculty). For a faculty member who does not hold a terminal degree, the director must also prepare a justification form detailing alternative credentials that qualify the applicant for graduate faculty status. The director routes the application, via the School Director and college dean, to the graduate dean.


Applicants for graduate faculty status in the School of Health Administration must meet the following criteria:


Possess a doctorate and a masters, one of which must be in the teaching discipline or an approved field closely related to the teaching discipline, from a CAHME, CEPH or AACSB accredited Program


Show evidence of active research pertinent to the area of teaching specialization. “Evidence” consists of published articles, monographs, books, presentations at professional meetings, workshops, and/or funded grants.


Demonstrate service to the profession through membership and participating in professional societies.


Demonstrate currency in the field and a commitment to expanding personal knowledge by participating in relevant continuing education programs at the regional, state, or national level.


Applicants may be considered for the graduate faculty without a doctorate/masters in the teaching discipline or an approved field closely related to the teaching discipline, if the above referenced criteria are met and the applicant has significant work experience in the teaching field.