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04.01.01-Terminal Degrees and Hiring

Terminal Degrees and Hiring Practices

SOHA PPS 04.01.01
Effective Date: 5/1/2022
Review Date: 04//02/2022
Next Review Date: 4/2/2027 (E5Y)
Sr. Reviewer: SOHA Director


It is the policy of the School of Health Administration (SOHA) to hire faculty with an earned doctorate and a masters, one of which must be in the teaching discipline (degree/major in which the faculty will be teaching) or a closely related discipline, and one of which must be accredited by CAHME or AACSB. This is necessary because SOHA offers the degrees of Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) and Bachelor of Healthcare Administration (BHA) with a major in Healthcare Administration. These programs are accredited and certified by CAHME and AUPHA, respectively. The School of Health Administration also offers a Master of Long-Term Care Administration (MLCTA) and graduate certificate in Long-Term Care Administration. Additional sources for this policy include: AA/PPS No. 04.01.01 (7.02) Faculty Hiring



It is the intent of the School of Health Administration to hire and assign faculty to courses who have the appropriate qualifications given the interdisciplinary nature of the degrees/majors. Recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of the degrees/majors, the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME) allows the accredited graduate program to determine the academic qualifications of its faculty consistent with the mission of the program. The Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) requires baccalaureate program faculty to have demonstrated scholarly and/or professional activity consistent with the mission of the program and at least one faculty member to have an earned doctorate in healthcare administration or a closely related discipline. The Graduate College requires terminal degrees.


Achieving diversity and providing equal employment opportunities. See the university policy. SOHA is heavily limited by our accrediting and certifying bodies to hire qualified faculty who possess degrees in or similar to healthcare administration.


The School of Health Administration will observe the following terminal degree requirements for each of its degrees/majors/certificates.


Bachelor of Healthcare Administration – The terminal degree to teach in this program is an earned doctorate with either a masters or the doctorate in healthcare administration or a closely related discipline from a CAHME, AACSB, or CEPH accredited program. Closely related disciplines are represents by the following degrees: graduate degrees in DrPH, MPH, DNA, JD (for law related courses only) or a PhD, DSc, DPA, DBA, MA, MS, MBA, MPA, with a major in one of the following:

a.  health services management/administration,
b.  public health
c.  health education
d.  community health
e.  rural health
f.   health services research
g.  mental health
h.  nursing administration
i.   medical care organizations
j.   medical humanities or medical ethics
k.  medical anthropology or medical sociology
l.   long term care administration
m. health economics.


Faculty without the terminal degree may be qualified to teach in the Bachelor of Healthcare Administration degree; however, such faculty must be justified per course taught as an exception to this policy based on at least one of the following:

a.  substantial work experience in healthcare administration,
b.  substantial research in healthcare administration,
c.  professional recognition of qualifications such as board certification/licensure in healthcare administration,
d.  18 graduate hours in healthcare administration or a closely related discipline.


Master of Healthcare Administration – The terminal degree to teach in this program is an earned doctorate with either a masters or the doctorate in healthcare administration or a closely related discipline from a CAHME, AACSB, or CEPH accredited program. Closely related disciplines are represented by the following degrees: graduate degrees in DrPH, MPH, DNA, JD (for law-related courses only) or a PhD, DSc, DPA, DBA, MA, MS, MHSA, MSHP, MBA, MPA, MPAff with a major in one of the following:

a.  public health
b.  health education
c.  community health
d.  rural health
e.  health services research
f.   mental health
g.  nursing administration
h.  medical care organizations
i.   medical humanities
j.   medical ethics
k.  medical anthropology
l.   medical sociology
m. long term care administration
n.  health economics
o.  public affairs


Faculty without the terminal degree may be qualified to teach in the Master of Healthcare Administration degree; however, such faculty must be justified per course taught as an exception to this policy based on at least one of the following:

a.  substantial work experience in healthcare administration,
b.  substantial research in healthcare administration,
c.  professional recognition of qualifications such as board certification/licensure in healthcare administration.


Graduate Certificate or Master of Long Term Care Administration – The terminal degree is an earned doctorate with either a masters or the doctorate in long term care administration or a closely related discipline from a CAHME, AACSB, or CEPH accredited program. Closely related disciplines are represented by the following degrees: graduate degrees in DrPH, MPH, DNA, JD (for law related courses only) or a PhD, DSc, DPA, DBA, MA, MS, MBA, or an MPA with a major in one of the following:

a.  healthcare administration
b.  health services management/administration
c.  gerontology
d.  medical humanities
e.  medical ethics
f.   medical anthropology
g.  medical sociology
h.  geriatrics


Faculty without the terminal degree may be qualified to teach in the Graduate Certificate in Long Term Care Administration; however, such faculty must be justified per course taught as an exception to this policy based on at least one of the following:

a.  substantial work experience in long term care administration,
b.  substantial research in long term care administration,
c.  professional recognition of qualifications such as board certification/licensure in long term care administration.



When approval for hire has been granted by the Office of the Provost and the CHP Dean, the SOHA Director will appoint a Search Committee and Chair from the senior faculty. The Search Committee has the authority to invite other members of the faculty to join the committee when other expertise or perspective is needed (hiring a non-tenure track Professor of Practice or Lecturer).


The SOHA Director will advertise, at a minimum, in AUPA Exchange and the Chronicle of Higher Education.


The Chair of the Search Committee will:

a.  Work with the SOHA Director to ensure the position posting is accurate. See the University policy for procedures for submitting a posting.
b.  Screen applicants for appropriate degrees, as listed above, and other required qualifications. Candidates screened out will not be further evaluated.
c.  Verify with the Office of Equity and Inclusion to determine veteran preference.
d.  Send out the hiring matrix to the Search Committee and SOHA Director.
e.  Develop an anonymous survey for Search Committee members to rate each candidate after interviews.
f.   Meet with the Search Committee (in person or virtually) to discuss and narrow the scope of applicants to 3-4.
g.  Schedule remote interviews, preferably on Fridays when there are fewer schedule conflicts due to classes.
h.  Collect surveys from faculty after each interview and rank order the candidates. No more than 3 will advance to the on-campus round of interviews.
i.    Arrange for the second round of interviews by checking all calendars, including the SOHA Director and CHP Dean.
j.    If the search is unfruitful, work with SOHA Director to close and reopen the posting to start again.


Search Committee members will:

a.  Independently evaluate each candidate based on required and preferred qualifications. The hiring matrix will guide the scoring process.
b.  Look at the records of those screened out for discussion purposes, but no further evaluation is necessary.
c.  Attend all interviews, as their schedule allow.
d.  Complete the evaluation survey after each interview to determine if the candidate will advance to the on-campus round of interviews. Provide sufficient comments to enable the Chair of the Search Committee to rank order the candidates.


The SOHA Director will:

a.  Interview each candidate in person. During the interview, cover the following:

i. The Provost and VPAA must approve salary and applicable start-up funding offers.

ii. Policy on credit toward tenure (<3yrs), based on optics of applicant’s record using current SOHA T&P Policy as lens.

iii. Typical workload (teaching, research, service) including the GRA and 2/2 workload for 2 semesters within first 2 years.

iv. Expectations of collegiality (be present to develop relationships).

v. University, CHP, and SOHA strategy (R1 expectations, move to RR, desired future degree programs, etc.)

vi. Courses that might be taught by candidate in the fall.

b.  If the search is unfruitful, work with the Chair of the Search Committee and the Dean to close and reopen the posting.



The SOHA Director will:

a.  Initiate the hiring proposal by selecting “Start Hiring Proposal” link on the applicant’s job application.
b.  Research the following:

i. Current salary of candidates.

ii. Miles traveled for move.

iii. CUPA Salary (*N.B.: CUPA only applies for TT faculty).

iv. Candidate’s record using SOHA T&P Policy as a lens.

c.  Package a hiring proposal to send through the Office of the Dean to the Office of the Provost. Include analysis performed and CVs for each candidate. For example:


      (1) Smith

          (2) Brown


Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Tenure Credit

2 years


Moving exp




1422 mi

543 mi

CUPA Salary



3% negotiation



 N.B.: 3% negotiation is not guaranteed and must be approved by the Provost.

d.  When hiring package is approved, contact each candidate (one at a time, and in order of priority) to present the offer.
e.  When the candidate counters, provide details of the counter to the Dean.
f.  Get back with the candidate to discuss final offer.
g.   Once an agreement is made:

i. Inform the Dean and the Search Committee.

ii. Ask the candidate to fill out the research agenda portion of the hiring proposal. This is forward through the Office of the Dean to the Office of the Provost.

iii. Faculty and Academic Resources will prepare a contract for signature and will mail this contract to the candidate.

h.  Identify an office in the SOHA suite for the incoming faculty member.