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01.02.01-School Administrative Responsibilities

School Administrative Responsibilities

SOHA PPS 01.02.01
Effective Date: 5/1/2022
Review Date: 4/2/2022
Next Review Date: 4/2/2027 (E5Y)
Sr. Reviewer: SOHA Director


SOHA is committed to transparency in its assignment of duties and responsibilities.


Annually, at the beginning of the fall semester, and after consultation with the personnel committee, the Director makes assignments to School administrative posts and committees. Committee Chairs and other supervisors report to the Director. Committee members meet with committee chair as the necessary work of the School requires. Tenured and tenure-track faculty and senior lecturers ordinarily serve on at least two committees; per-course lecturers ordinarily have no committee assignment. In making assignments, the Director strives to achieve balance among programs by seeking recommendations from appropriate program directors. Level of service responsibility is commensurate with rank.



No comprehensive list of committees can ever be created that is more than temporarily current, however, the following is a list of SOHA committees:

a. Personnel Committee – all tenured faculty

b. Faculty Search Committee – usually the PC + ad hoc members

c. Curriculum Committee – all faculty at 50% or greater

d. Program Standards Committee – three faculty members

e. MHA Admissions Committee – three Grad College faculty

03.02 Other opportunities at SOHA

a. Social media

b. Marketing

c. Study abroad

d. Residency coordinator

e. Resume book

f. Annual report

g. Webmaster

h. Faculty Senate Liaison

i. HLC Faculty Advisor

j. Upsilon Phi Delta coordinator

k. Research Coordinator

l. Other research-related points of contact: Health Scholar Showcase, CHP Research Forum, International Student Research


In addition to assignments within the School, faculty members will have assignments to College & University Committee’s as required. The CHP publishes a list of committees each fall. The University lists its committees at the following website


The Personnel Committee and Director will meet in a timely way to recommend a single nominee from the School of Health Administration for various faculty awards. These include the Presidential Awards for Excellence and CHP Faculty Excellence Awards in Teaching, Scholarly/Creative Activity, and Service. The Presidential awards take place in January of each year. The CHP awards take place in February of each year, and winners of these awards are usually submitted the following year to the Presidential awards. Faculty are able to self-nominate for many awards as well.


The Personnel Committee and Director will meet in a timely way to recommend a single nominee from the School of Health Administration for various faculty awards. These include the Presidential Awards for Excellence and CHP Faculty Excellence Awards in Teaching, Scholarly/Creative Activity, and Service. The Presidential awards take place in January of each year. The CHP awards take place in February of each year, and winners of these awards are usually submitted the following year to the Presidential awards. Faculty are able to self-nominate for many awards as well.


Approximately one-third of the faculty represents the School at each of three annual commencement exercises held in December, May, and August. The Director prepares a list of attendees for the Academic Advising office based on faculty preference and must approve any changes in these assignments. Faculty are required to attend one commencement every academic year. Nine-month faculty attend either December or May commencement every academic year. Faculty who are designated as 100% of summer semester, are also required to attend August commencement.


As part of their ordinary professional obligations, faculty are expected to meet various deadlines—e.g., submitting annual evaluation materials; submitting Promotion and Tenure materials; for verifying class rosters; for turning in schedule request forms; for uploading final grades; and others. Missed deadlines create additional work for staff and strain the School’s relations with other university offices. Faculty are therefore urged to be mindful of deadlines and to make every effort to meet them.