Degree Program Information
This page contains degree programs information for the School of Health Administration. Select links to view appropriate degree programs or see below for additional information.
Miscellaneous Information
Contact Ms. Julie Carroll, Administrative Assistant, for questions regarding curriculum and course sequence information and with any questions pertaining to the healthcare administration program. Call 512-245-3556 or email
Policy on Repeating Courses
All HA students must maintain a minimum major (HA) GPA of 2.25 with no grade below a "C". Students are allowed to repeat each HA course once, and only once, in order to improve their major (HA) GPA or their grade in a particular course. A student having repeated a course and still not achieving a minimum grade of "C", will not be allowed to continue as a health administration major, therefore, students needing to repeat courses are encouraged to seek assistance from the instructor or a chair-appointed mentor.
HA 4141 - Exit Exam (Not offered in summer)
All healthcare administration majors are required to pass an HA exit exam during the final semester of coursework. You will take the exit exam at the completion of HA 4141. If you do not pass the exit exam, you will need to repeat the class in the next long semester (Fall/Spring) that it is offered.
Pay close attention to your sequence sheet and schedule of classes. Some courses are offered fall and spring. Summer courses are offered based on student need, availability of faculty and summer budget. You should plan your schedule for fall and spring.