Student Engagement and Accomplishments

Ana Hernandez standing next to her poster.

ASHA Convention 2024

CDIS Undergraduate student Ana L. Hernandez presenting a poster at the ASHA Convention in Seattle, Washington on December 7th, 2024.  Great job Ana!

World Stuttering and Cluttering Organization Congress 2024

World Stuttering and Cluttering Organization Congress 2024

Dr. Irani and CDIS students Grace Sargent and Gracie Bourchard presented their research poster on a pilot study of virtual reality applications for research and intervention.  Dr. Irani, along with another colleague, also presented a research poster on fluency development in Bilingual Spanish-English children.

Dr. Irani standing next to CDIS students and their poster.

WSRCA Student Healthcare Expo

WSRCA (Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area) Student Healthcare Expo

Our students and faculty members were very excited to show to High School students what our program is about.


NSSLHA members 2024

CDIS First Generation College Student Celebration

CDIS students celebration 1st Generation event
CDIS students enjoying the food
CDIS students in line to grab food.
Ms. Bowers and a student
CDIS students celebrating 1st Generation event with food and companionship.
CDIS chair delivering a message to the students

Game Night

Two CDIS students dressed as "Speech Bananas"

Game Night

Our CDIS faculty, staff, and students enjoyed the company, food, and games on a beautiful evening!

Congrats to our Master's Class of 2024!

We're very proud of you!

Senior Celebration 2024

Faculty and students group picture

Total Solar Eclipse 2024

Image Gallery

All students, faculty members, and staff had so much fun during the Eclipse on April 8th, 2024. It was a wonderful experience.

Outstanding Academic Student Awards

CDIS student receiving the award.

We're very proud of our CDIS student Lois Umali!  She received the Outstanding Academic Graduate Student award.

CDIS student receiving the award.

Congratulations to Zoe Starnes-Kemper!  She received the Outstanding Academic Undergraduate Student Award during the College of Health Professions Student Awards Luncheon in the Round Rock campus.

College of Health Professions Research Forum 2024

Sara standing next to her poster.

Congratulations to Sarah Paddock, one of our CDIS Leveler students, for obtaining 2nd place!  Her research poster title was “Positive Themes Emerging from Collaborative Stories Created by Persons with Aphasia.”

Dr. Yang with CDIS students standing next to their poster

Dr. Yang with the collaboration of Gracie Bouchard, Darcy Carothers, Jaycee Danford, Kelsey Majek, Alexis Reinwald, Grace Sargent, and Zoe Starnes-Kemper, won 2nd place. Their research poster was “Acoustic Characteristics of English Intonation in Mandarin-English Bilinguals.”  Keep up the good work!

1st Generation Latina in Speech Language Pathology

Barbara Fernandes, a 1st generation Latina in Speech Language Pathology, delivered a speech on March 6th, 2024 to inspire our CDIS students.

Barbara Fernadez, the lecturer, talking to CDIS students.
CDIS students enjoying some refreshments.
Dr. Resendiz and Barbara Fernandez interchanging ideas with the students.
Students enjoying the refreshments during the event.

Bilingual Concentration Students in Guatemala

Bilingual Concentration students in Guatemala

The Bilingual Concentration arrived in Guatemala on February 26th, 2024 to provide speech therapy services to patients at Centro Moore.

Guatemala trip

Dr. Maria Resendiz, Joslyn Balli, Kelsey Lindsay Alexander, and Monica Reyes traveled to Guatemala to provide speech therapy services to patients who received cleft palate repair surgery.

Texas Laryngectomee Association Conference 2024

Lia showing her award.

Lia Salazar won the “Rookie of the Year” award at the 2024 Texas Laryngectomee Association's conference in January.

Council on Academic Accreditation logo

The Master of Science in Communication Disorders (MSCD) and the Master of Arts (MA) in Communication Disorders residential education programs in speech-language pathology at Texas State University are accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.