Leveling Program

Admission Policy for Leveling Students

San Marcos campus

The leveling program is for students who have undergraduate degrees in majors other than communication disorders and need to complete pre-requisite courses to be eligible to attend a graduate program in Communication Disorders. The number of hours of background work required is determined in consultation with the Communication Disorders Graduate Advisor, Amy Louise Schwarz, and is dependent on the courses taken at the undergraduate level. The Leveling Program consists of a total of 10 CDIS classes, 5 in the fall semester and 5 in the spring semester.  In addition, there are 5 non-CDIS classes that must appear on a college transcript.  These outside classes are not part of the Leveling Program.

Upon successful completion of the required background work, students may apply to admission to the regular graduate program to start during a fall semester.  Successful completion of the background requirements in the Department of Communication Disorders at Texas State DOES NOT GUARANTEE admission to the regular graduate program.  It is strongly recommended that students apply to multiple graduate programs for completion of the graduate degree.

The background courses taken during the Leveling Year do not count towards a master's degree at Texas State University.  Any background work must be completed prior to starting the regular graduate program.  If accepted, a student may transfer up to 6 hours of background communication disorders classes from another university to substitute for 6 hours of leveling courses at Texas State.  This is done in conjunction with the Graduate Advisor once a student has been admitted.

Students wanting to complete their background coursework through the leveling program should apply to the Graduate College. Applications must be received here at Texas State by April 1st of every year.

Please note: The Dept of Communication Disorders does not schedule individual visits for prospective leveling or graduate students, due to the high volumes of requests.  We will hold a virtual graduate information day in the Fall, where applicants can learn more about our Graduate and Leveling Programs.  Please, click here for more information.  You can also contact us at cdisgradprog@txstate.edu or 512-716-2624 with any questions about the program.

two students working together

Leveling Course Sequence

Leveling Course Descriptors


Tuition & Fee Information

Council on Academic Accreditation

The Master of Science in Communication Disorders (MSCD) and the Master of Arts (MA) in Communication Disorders residential education programs in speech-language pathology at Texas State University are accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.