
Texas State University students on their first day of class.

Undergraduate Students

CDIS students in the 1st Day of class

The Department of Communication Disorders has several sources of financial assistance available for graduate students.  Listed below are the sources, eligibility requirements, and application procedures.

Please, also visit to explore scholarship opportunities.  It is recommended that students apply for the Graduate College Scholarships and the Celebrity Classic Scholarship.  Since students can apply for these BEFORE they are admitted to grad school, those who are accepted will be considered, whereas those who are not accepted will not be eligible for consideration.  Students need to have completed the Admissions Application before accessing this page.

  • (a) Departmental graduate assistantships are available on a competitive basis.  Applicants should apply each semester prior to the semester in which assistance is desired.  Applications for the fall semester need to be completed by the beginning of August.  Appointments of graduate assistants are determined by faculty review.

    (b) Requirements: Students must have a high overall grade point average (minimum 3.0 on 4.0 scale), faculty recommendation, documentation of academic strength and clinical expertise (grade of B or better) in coursework and disorder area requiring graduate assistant (courses vary by semester), and full-time on-campus enrollment (not participating in off-campus practicum).

    (c) Application Procedure: Completed application and supporting documentation submitted to the department by beginning of August.

    (d) Application materials may be obtained from the Department Administrative Assistant.

    (e) GIA (Instructional) Salary: Approximately $773.79 monthly

    (f) GRA (Research) Salary: Approximately $754.88 monthly

    (g) GA (Administrative) Salary: Approximately $627.53 monthly

    (h) Service requirements: Approximately 10 hours per week from September 1 through May 31 of each academic year (Fall and Spring semesters).  Summer employment to be determined based on departmental needs and availability of funds.

  • (a) This scholarship was established by the generosity of the San Marcos SERTOMA club

    (b) Criteria and applications may be obtained from Jennifer Johnson (, the current chapter president and advisor of the student SERTOMA organization on campus.

  • For more details, visit the CAPCSD Scholarships and Student Resources page.

    (a) Frances J Laven Scholarship Award: $5,000

    (b) Plural Publishing Research Scholarships Award: $3,000

  • For more details, visit the Graduate College Scholarship page.

    (a) Provides $1,000 per semester

    (b) GPA Requirements:

    • First-time graduate students must have a minimum 3.25 GPA in their last 60 hours of undergraduate course work.
    • Students who already hold a graduate degree must have a minimum 3.5 in all completed graduate course work.
    • Students who have already taken graduate-level course work at Texas State must have a minimum 3.5 GPA in all completed Texas State, graduate course work.

ASHA Foundation Scholarship

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

TSHA Foundation Scholarships

Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Council on Academic Accreditation logo

The Master of Science in Communication Disorders (MSCD) and the Master of Arts (MA) in Communication Disorders residential education programs in speech-language pathology at Texas State University are accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.